Bioresonance is a field of technology that is capable of scanning a patient’s bio-energy field for points of imbalance and stress and is then able to balance these disturbances. In a sense, it is similar to kinesiology, a diagnostic tool that utilizes muscular response as its medium. When tested, a patient’s muscles will either give a strong or weak response. A weak response indicates that a problem or state of stress has been detected by the unconscious mind. A bioresonance device works on the same principle but can perform the equivalent of several thousand muscle tests within a few seconds.
The Inergetix-CoRe™ is one such bioresonance device that was developed by an Austrian physicist, Dr. Kiran Schmidt. At the heart of the CoRe system is a holographic random number generator that yields a thousand different resonance possibilities.
CoRe analyses can be done either in person or at a distance. The program simply needs some basic information about the patient in order to identify them as the subject of the analysis. The best results occur in conjunction with the patient, either in person or over the phone. In this way, the responses of the program can be explored together in order to identify emerging patterns. The energy frequencies needed to balance the patient can then be broadcast in person or at a distance. Similarly, the CoRe can also broadcast homeopathic remedies to a patient at a distance.
During a CoRe analysis, the system will use any number of filters to investigate underlying states of balance or disharmony. These can include core beliefs, mental and emotional ways of being or food sensitivities. In this way, the CoRe brings greater insight to our emotional or mental patterns, habitual tendencies as well as addictions and aversions. The responses that it generates are then contrasted against the personal experiences of a given patient or client. This is how we see patterns emerge which can be psychological, nutritional, homeopathic, allopathic, or chiropractic in nature. It is these patterns which point to the imbalances that need to be addressed.
Overall, the CoRe offers a rare perspective into our energetic or informational self that is not always readily available to our senses or conscious mind.