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Dynamic Heilkunst

Dynamic Heilkunst

Welcome to Dynamic Heilkunst

Do you want to achieve natural health but are struggling with acute/chronic disease or trauma?  Heilkunst may be your solution. Heilkunst, or the Art of Making Whole, is a system of medicine that is based on natural law. It is holistic in nature and is capable of treating body, mind and spirit.

Beyond being a system of medicine, Heilkunst is also a journey toward self-discovery, radiant well-being and the emergence of your authentic self.  These are the ultimate expressions of health and of being fully alive. 

So, what is Heilkunst in practical terms?

Heilkunst was the word used by Dr. Samuel Friedrich Hahnemann (1755-1843), for the complete medical system that he created. “Heilkunst” is a German word that translates as “the art of making whole” or “the art of healing.”

Dr. Hahnemann’s full system of medicine, as set out in his extended Organon der Heilkunst, is comprised of:

• Regimen: the realm of lifestyle, which includes diet, exercise, nutrition, sleep, hydration, and recreation.  This aspect of health is based on the Law of Opposites (Contraria contrariis curantur).  It is used to correct imbalances and achieve homeostasis in the body.  A strong constitution is a foundational component when treating disease and helping a patient achieve wholeness. 

• Medicine Proper: here we address the true cause of disease by applying the Law of Similars (Similia similibus curantur).  This is done through the use of dynamic or energetic remedies, which destroy disease. This allows the body to truly heal. The destruction of disease (cure) and the subsequent detoxification of the body (healing) make up the Cycle of Heilen, or making a person whole. 

• Therapeutic Education: in this domain we explore and release false beliefs about oneself and the world.

Heilkunst in practical terms

Treatment Options

Acute Disease Treatment

Acute Disease Treatment

The short-term treatment of diseases that are recent or intense in nature. Diseases of this type can usually be resolved after one or two consultations.

Chronic Disease Treatment

Chronic Disease Treatment

The deeper treatment of diseases of that are long-standing, or more serious, nature. The treatment period can vary according to the severity of disease or how long the patient has been living with their condition.

CoRe Bioresonance Analysis

CoRe Bioresonance Analysis

Through the use of a CoRe bio-resonance machine, a deeper picture of a patient’s imbalances and stressors can come to light. These can be brought back into harmony using energetic frequencies.

What patients have to say about Dynamic Heilkunst